Thursday 7 December 2023

Windows 365 Cloud PC : A New Era of cloud Computing

 Windows 365 Cloud PC : A New Era of cloud Computing

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, cloud computing has become the cornerstone of flexibility and productivity for individuals and businesses alike. Windows 365, the latest offering from Microsoft, promises to redefine the way we work and access our PCs. This cloud-based service aims to revolutionize the concept of a traditional personal computer, making it more accessible, versatile, and efficient. In this article, we will delve into the world of Windows 365 and its implications for the future of computing.

What is Windows 365?

Windows 365 is a groundbreaking service that delivers a cloud-based PC experience. It enables users to access a fully functional Windows desktop from any device with an internet connection. Unlike traditional desktop computers or local virtual machines, Windows 365 moves your entire computing experience to the cloud.

Key Features of Windows 365

1. Device-Agnostic Access:

With Windows 365, your device's hardware becomes less critical. Whether you're using a high-end laptop, a budget tablet, or even a smartphone, you can access your cloud PC with ease. This flexibility is a game-changer for those who require high-performance computing power but don't want to invest in expensive hardware.

2. Scalability:

Windows 365 allows you to scale your PC resources as needed. Need more processing power or storage? You can easily adjust your subscription to accommodate your requirements, making it an ideal solution for businesses with fluctuating workloads.

3. Secure by Design:

Security is a top priority for Windows 365. All your data and applications are stored in Microsoft's secure data centers, protecting you from data loss and security breaches. It also ensures compliance with various industry regulations.

4. Seamless Integration:

For organizations using Microsoft 365 and Azure, Windows 365 offers seamless integration. Your cloud PC can easily access Microsoft 365 apps, Azure resources, and other services, making it a logical choice for Microsoft-centric businesses.

5. Streamlined Management:

Windows 365 simplifies device management and provisioning. IT administrators can easily configure and deploy cloud PCs to users, allowing for efficient remote work and onboarding.

Use Cases for Windows 365

1. Remote Work:

The rise of remote work has been accelerated by the global pandemic. Windows 365 empowers employees to access their work environments securely from home or anywhere with an internet connection. This capability enables organizations to adapt to changing work dynamics seamlessly.

2. Business Continuity:

Windows 365 provides a reliable solution for ensuring business continuity. In case of hardware failures, natural disasters, or unforeseen circumstances, employees can swiftly access their work environments from backup devices, ensuring minimal disruption.

3. Cost-Efficient IT Management:

Small and medium-sized businesses can benefit from Windows 365's simplified IT management. With cloud PCs, there's less need for expensive on-site hardware and complex infrastructure maintenance.

4. Development and Testing:

Software developers and testers can leverage the scalability of Windows 365 to create and test applications in diverse computing environments. The ability to switch between configurations with ease can streamline the development process.

Challenges and Considerations

While Windows 365 offers numerous advantages, it's not without its challenges:

1. Internet Dependency:

Reliable internet connectivity is crucial for a seamless Windows 365 experience. Users with slow or unstable connections may face difficulties in accessing their cloud PCs.

2. Subscription Costs:

The subscription-based model can lead to ongoing costs that may add up over time. However, businesses can benefit from cost predictability and scalability.

3. Data Privacy:

Data privacy and security concerns must be addressed when considering a cloud-based service like Windows 365. Organizations need to ensure compliance with privacy regulations and implement robust security measures.

The Future of Cloud-Based Computing

Windows 365 marks a significant step toward a future where the traditional personal computer becomes less dependent on local hardware. It offers businesses and individuals the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances, increase productivity, and streamline IT management. While it comes with its own set of considerations and challenges, Windows 365 is poised to reshape the way we think about personal computing, making it more accessible and efficient than ever before. As technology continues to advance, it's clear that cloud-based PCs are here to stay, offering a new level of convenience and agility in our digital lives.

Story On Inquirer

 Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sarah who lived in a small village surrounded by dense forests and rolling hills. 

Sarah was curious about the world and was always asking questions. She was always seeking to understand the world and the people around her.

One day, Sarah heard about a wise old sage who lived on the other side of the forest. 

It was said that this sage had all the answers to life's questions and that anyone who sought his wisdom would never be disappointed. 

Sarah was intrigued and decided to make the journey to find the sage.

The journey was long and challenging, but Sarah was determined to find the answers she was seeking. 

She crossed rivers and climbed mountains, and finally, she reached the sage's home.

When she approached him, she asked her first question, "What is the meaning of life?"

The sage smiled and said, "The meaning of life is to ask questions and to seek knowledge. 

The more you ask and learn, the more you will understand about the world and about yourself."

Sarah was shocked. She had never thought of asking questions as the meaning of life. 

But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. She asked the sage many more questions, and he answered each one with wisdom and insight.

Sarah stayed with the sage for many days, soaking up all the knowledge and wisdom he had to offer. 

When she finally returned home, she was a different person. She was full of new ideas and understanding, and she shared her newfound knowledge with her community.

People were amazed by her transformation and were inspired to start asking questions and seeking knowledge themselves.

This story shows that being an inquirer and asking questions can lead to a greater understanding of the world and oneself.

Tuesday 25 October 2016


  • Moving the mailboxes from On-Premise to Cloud using Windows Power Shell use the below Commands,
  • Run the following command to open up the session to O365 and to connect to Exchange:
  • Please follow the below steps:
  • Open Windows Poweshell and Run the below command
  • $LiveCred = Get-Credential
  • It will ask for credentials Please Provide O365 admin credentials:
  • Username:
  • Password: TenentPassword
  • NOTE: It should be your company tenant admin credentials
  • Type the below command to connect to O365,
  • $Session=New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic –AllowRedirection

  • After connecting to O365 you need to Import the session using below command
  • Import-PSSession $Session
  • Then connect to Onprem-Exchange to move the mailbox from on-premises to cloud,
  • Using the below command
  • $ExchangeCredential= Get-Credential
  • It will ask for username and password, Provide Exchange Admin credentials of onprem user, Username and password,
  • After connecting to On-Premises Exchange, Use the below command to move user to cloud,
  • New-MoveRequest -Identity "useername" -Remote -RemoteHostName ""-TargetDeliveryDomain -RemoteCredential $exchangecredential
  • You can monitor the mailbox movement in Exchange management console by connecting to exchange online.

Performing In-Place eDiscovery search on Litigation hold enabled Mailbox in Office 365

            Performing an In-Place eDiscovery search

Move the Mailbox to Cloud and Put the Mailbox for litigation hold, 

  • Why put a mailbox on litigation hold? 

If your organization is involved in a legal action, you may have to take steps to preserve relevant data, such as e-mail messages, that may be used as evidence. In situations like this, you may have to retain all e-mail sent and received by specific people or retain all e-mail sent and received in your organization for a specific time period. Putting mailboxes on litigation hold is the first step in meeting these types of litigation requirements. Typically, a discovery manager, lawyer, or other authorized official in your organization puts mailboxes on litigation hold.

  • What happens when a mailbox is on litigation hold? 
When a user deletes messages from their Deleted Items folder or uses Shift+Delete to permanently delete a mailbox item, the deleted items are copied to a hidden folder in the user's mailbox. This folder is called Recoverable Items and was known as the dumpster in previous versions of Microsoft Exchange. Permanently deleted items are copied to a subfolder called Deletions in the Recoverable Items folder.

Items in the Recoverable Items folder are retained for 14 days by default and then purged by Microsoft Exchange. When a mailbox is put on litigation hold, the Recoverable Items folder isn't purged and items in this folder are retained indefinitely. Alternatively, an administrator can configure how long litigation hold is applied to a mailbox. Litigation hold doesn't affect users' day-to-day e-mail workflow, so users can continue to modify and delete mailbox items as they normally would.

Users can manually purge items from the Recoverable Items folder. 
 •In Microsoft Outlook 2010   Click the Folder tab, select Recover Deleted Items > Purge Selected Items. 
 •In Outlook Web App   Deleted Items > Recover Deleted Items > Purge Selected Items.

Items that are manually purged from the Recoverable Items folder are moved to a subfolder called Purges. If the user's mailbox is put on litigation hold, Microsoft Exchange retains items in the Purges folder while the mailbox is on litigation hold.

Now we will search the Mails from the mailbox which is put on litigation hold 
Let’s take a look at how one discovery manager performs an In-Place eDiscovery search. 
To use In-Place eDiscovery, a user must bedelegated the Discovery Management role group. You can delegate the role to authorized legal, compliance management or human resources personnel. This ability to have scoped roles in the new Exchange online allows IT Pros to delegate compliance responsibilities to folks without giving them full access to all Exchange online functionality.

Use the following steps to perform an In-Place eDiscovery search, 

Step1. Login to O365 portal using 
Step2. On the right side of the portal you will be able Admin tab click on arrow to find exchange, click on Exchange to find Exchange Admin center 

Step3. On Exchange Admin Center you can find In-Place EDiscovery & hold Click on that

Step4.  You will find below wizard,

Now we will perform the Search for the mailbox which is on litigation hold,

Step5. Click on Plus Sign to search for the Mails from the Mailbox, Specify the Name and description, And Click Next

Step6. Specify the mailbox to Search and click next,

Step7. In the below wizard you need to filter, based on your criteria, And Click Next.

Once we created our query to define what content is important to us, we have a few options in terms of what to do with the results. If we feel it's important to protect this content we have the option to place it on hold. When content is placed on hold, Exchange automatically captures any attempts to edit or delete or delete data and stores those items in a hidden folder in the mailbox. It's completely invisible to the end-users so it doesn't interrupt their daily workflow, but it does keep that important data for recovery later. 

Step8. Select In-place hold settings and click on finish

Step9. After clicking on finish it will save your search, 

Step10. Now you can see the search query as below, to find the mails which you are searching for, Click on Preview Search results,

Step11. After clicking on Preview Search Results you can find all the mails which you searched for.